D&L Sports™, Inc.
Safe Guard Holsters for 1911 pistols
1911 Safety Holster

Holster designs for 1911 pistols have varied widely over the decades. Experience with a wide variety of carry methods for 1911 pistols has resulted in this Practical Safety Holster. The PSH is well suited to general carry, concealed carry, practical shooting and training activities.

Skilled and competent shooters follow firearms safety rules to help assure their own safety, and the safety of others. Wise and knowledgeable shooters choose 1911 pistols which are mechanically safe and well suited to the task at hand. The PSH holster allows shooters to have additional layers of safety, without interfering with deployment speed.

The PSH is designed for 3 o'clock strong side outside the waistband carry and holds the pistol in a straight drop position. The PSH carry height allows the shooter's fingers to go around the front strap just above the beltline. The trigger guard is covered. The draw tension on the pistol is adjustable. The front of the holster is cut down to the ejection port for easy muzzle clearance. The front sight has sight track clearance inside the holster.

The muzzle end of the PSH features a leather covered steel bullet deflector. In the event of an unintentional discharge out the bottom of the holster, this device is designed to provide slight bullet deflection away from the shooter's legs and feet. A tie down can also be used from the deflector around the upper thigh for those who have such a requirement.

The PSH holster is NOT a thumb break holster. The PSH features a semi rigid riser from the mouth of the holster to the rear of the pistol's slide. This riser conceals the condition-one cocked and locked hammer area from curious eyes. The inner side of the riser features a flexible 90 degree hammer block that lays between the hammer and the firing pin. This is another layer of protection against the hammer unintentionally striking the firing pin. This safety device does not interfere with the speed of the draw or presentation. The flexible 90 degree block is a 'pull through' design and has no negative effect on the shooter's draw stroke.

With proper technique the pistol can be reholstered one or two handed, WITHOUT covering yourself or others with the muzzle of the pistol. You should practice both reholsting techniques until they can be completed safely. For those wanting a completely open top holster, but with the other features this holster offers, holsters can be special ordered without the hammer block riser. The holster can also be ordered to accommodate slide mounted optic sights.

The PSH should be used with a compatible pistol belt.

The non-ejection port side of the pistol does not have any riser or sweat shield. This allows the shooter to properly position his thumb over the top of the on-safe thumb safety during the draw stroke. The thumb safety should not be deactivated until shooting is required.

The PSH is safe, fast, slim, concealable, durable, and adjustable. High quality leather construction allows for years of daily service. Handcrafted quality. Suitable for 1911 Short Slides, 5" slides, and Long slide pistols, with or without frame light rails.

Please consider adding layers of safety when choosing your next holster. Unintentional shootings can be disastrous.

The safe guard holster is an 'excellent idea'.
J.D. Jones - Gun Writer
Pistolsmith of the Year, Handgun Hunters Hall of Fame, Outstanding American Handgunner
It is a legal holster for USPSA.
Troy McManus - Director - NROI
(Note: DLS inc does NOT recommend appendix carry. Always follow sensible firearm safety rules.)

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